The aviator warrior sure is into his war balloon, maybe you could distract him
Well, I got past the warrior, but the uptight aviator leader won't let me see the Shaman
Everyone seems to know who the Shaman favors, try changing your guise
Where's the talisman?
Have you seen the kid in his favorite hang out?
The kid won't give me the talisman
Who would be the only one he would give it to?
How can I get the Shaman's holy balloon to fly?
You need a light. The Shaman speaks of a very important item he gave you (meaning, gave the boy)
Check out the description of a vital possession the Shaman said you need
What can I do at the arrow shaped pool?
Notice the shape of the indentation on the ground in front of the pool
I got the water to drain, but I don't know the combination
Did not the spirits guide you in your flight in the Shaman's holy balloon (a holy balloon? Isn't that an oxymoron?)
Here's a screenshot of the aerial clue in case you didn't make a note of it
I see a group of heads on the wall, which ones do I press?
I can't get past the fire
The totem is concealed by two elements, don't forget the one you already got through
The aviator warrior sure is into his war balloon, maybe you could distract him
You can see his balloon behind him, if you could only get to it
You can see his balloon behind him, if you could only get to it
I found where he ties up his balloon, what can I do?
I found where he ties up his balloon, what can I do?
Have you been to Shangri-La? There's a useful tool in the greenhouse there
Who would be the only one he would give it to?
Assume the guise of the one who had given it to him
Everyone seems to know who the Shaman favors, try changing your guise
Assume the guise of the farmboy to have an in with the Shaman
You need a light. The Shaman speaks of a very important item he gave you (meaning, gave the boy)
Check out the description of a vital possession the Shaman said you need
The description of the talisman says it's made of flint
Notice the shape of the indentation on the ground in front of the pool
Do you have an item of this shape?
Do you have an item of this shape?
The Shaman speaks of a very important item he gave you (meaning, gave the boy)
The Shaman speaks of a very important item he gave you (meaning, gave the boy)
Ask the boy for the talisman
The kid won't give me the talisman
I see a group of heads on the wall, which ones do I press?
Walk around the inside of the drained pool and notice there's more than one group of heads
Walk around the inside of the drained pool and notice there's more than one group of heads
Each head in the aerial clue is the hint for the group of heads in the corresponding position in the pool